
Boondoggle, and things...

The BOOndoggle was a blast! Tom and I (Kevin) were both paired up well! Tom's team ended up winning the tournament bracket. My team took 3rd and I won MVP+Best Wreck. Thanks Louisville guys for a blast of a day! Everyone walked away with a bunch of cool prizes.

Well, this has been brief, but I am attempting to update this blog more, seeing as we actually have some readers! Also, Lafayette Bike Polo is establishing a name for itself. People know who we are and we're climbing our way up. Some of our new guys, notably Scott and Garrett, have really gotten involved. They both have built polo bikes and mallets. Good work guys! The more polo babies we can birth the bigger this club can get for next year. I'd like to see some more new faces coming out and entering tournaments with us next season!

As for what's going on now... Caps are IN!!! I love them and everyone seems to. Garrett donated a cutting board for capping mallet heads with. If you want to build a mallet and/or a cap for it, shoot us a message via blog or text. Wheel covers is also a question. If you need/want wheelcovers, acquire the material from the election signs before they get taken down. We can help you cut and mount them. Caleb is working on a new flyer and I'm sure it will be posted here very soon!

Keep Lafayette Riding,



  1. Indiana was well represented at the BOOndoggle. We had a player on all three podium teams and the MVP... and we only brought three players! Plus every time in Louisville is fun as hell.

  2. Can't wait for next year, Zach.
