
Journal and Courier

First of all,

The Journal and Courier (Lafayette's Newspaper) did an article about Lafayette Bike Polo. They also did a short video. Here's a link to that: http://www.jconline.com/article/20110417/LIFE/104170320/Bike-polo-gains-following-Greater-Lafayette?odyssey=tab


I wanted to post a cool picture that Kevin Daly (Our official Lafayette Bike Polo Photographer) took of the winners of Lafayette Riverside. Congrats to the Wood Chucks! I promise, Kevin Daly is editing his heart out and will have a video for us soon. I've seen the pre-cuts and it looks amazing, hold onto your panties and wait for the best polo video to hit the web.

Matt Hewitt, Brian Dillman, Eric Kremin



  1. love that trophy!

    (and the overly serious expressions)

  2. When will more photos be posted? And i'm still excited about that video!
